Delivery Information

Updated on 1st - December - 2023

*All orders placed after 5th of December will be delivered 1st or 2nd week of January*

At Lavidabeds, we understand that timely and flexible delivery options are crucial when it comes to your bedroom needs. We offer convenient delivery services to ensure you receive your order just the way you want it.

Delivery Options:

Free and Fast Delivery (7 to 14 Days):

Enjoy our standard, hassle-free delivery service that gets your new bed/mattress to your doorstep within 7 to 14 days from the date of your order. This option is perfect for those who can't wait to experience the comfort of Lavidabeds products.

Delayed Delivery (Choose Your Preferred Date):

Need your delivery at a specific time or want to align it with a special occasion? We offer you the flexibility to delay your delivery. 

*Note: When choosing a delayed delivery date, please keep in mind that we require a minimum of 5 working days from your selected date to prepare and deliver your order.

Delivery Process:

Our delivery process is designed to be efficient and straightforward:

Once your order is confirmed, you will receive a confirmation email with your order details.

Before delivery, our team will contact you to arrange a convenient delivery date.
On the scheduled delivery day, our professional delivery team will ensure that your order is safely delivered and assembled.

We appreciate your trust in Lavidabeds for your bedroom needs. Our delivery options are designed to provide you with the utmost convenience and flexibility. Whether you choose our standard fast delivery or opt to delay your delivery to a specific date, we're here to ensure you receive your order with care and precision.

Contact Us:
If you have any questions or need assistance with your delivery, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. Visit our Contact us page.